Vaccine Verification Messaging Using Your App
As you begin to welcome in-person audiences again (so exciting!), you may be planning new safety procedures. If you are requiring or considering vaccine or negative result verifications for venue entry, then your app can help!
Here are some ways to communicate your verification requirements:
App Home Screen
Create a Card on your home screen that links to an in-app tab with your important vaccine verification requirements.
Mirvish Productions displays a card on their home screen that navigates to an in-app link to more content.
Or have a card on your app’s home screen link to your website with your important vaccine verification requirements.
Tennessee Performing Arts Center displays a card on their home screen that navigates to a website link .
If you are using slideshow for your home screen then you can do an in-app or website link with your important vaccine verification requirements.
Here is an example of a slide on a home screen that navigates to an in-app link to more content.
App Push Notifications
Send out a push notification to your app users that have opted in to notify them of your requirements. You can link this push notification to additional information in your app or online.
Utah Symphony Utah Opera’s push notification alerting patrons about their new policy.
Event Messaging
Add your requirement policies to your app event descriptions and include a link to any website information. Here are instructions on how to add a link to your event description.
Ticket Messaging
Include your requirement policies on your website’s ticket purchasing page.
If you are a Tessitura Integrated partner, consider adding your requirements to your digital tickets. You can add a simple line of text using Tessitura Design Elements. Here are instructions on how to implement Tessitura Design Elements into your digital tickets.
Other Options
Currently, your app does not have a way for patrons to upload their vaccine card or negative test results. Here are a few options that are available now for your patrons to use. This varies by country, area, and what your professional health officials require.
Please note, this is not a complete list of the options available.
Patrons show proof at the venue door. Provide their vaccine card or image of the card or proof of a negative test result.
Using certain vaccine apps, such as Clear and VaxYes
Using a scanner app to store a scanned copy of your vaccination card in OneDrive personal vault or a password manager instead of storing the photo in Photos or iCloud
Certain countries and U.S. states have digital vaccination cards or passport systems