Using InsideGuide For More Than Digital Program Books - Part One: Newsletters with Livermore Valley Arts
In Summer 2022, Livermore Valley Arts used InsideGuide to send their quarterly member newsletter.
When we launched InsideGuide earlier this year, we focused on providing the best possible tool for creating and delivering digital program books. Since then, our client partners have shown us that InsideGuide is a mobile-first publishing platform with uses beyond digital programs.
For the first of this two-part series, we talked with Andrew Kracht, Marketing Manager for Livermore Valley Arts. In Summer 2022, Livermore Valley Arts used InsideGuide to send their quarterly member newsletter.
Prior to Summer 2022, how did you create and deliver your quarterly newsletter?
In the past, we would have to start about a month in advance of the drop date: designing (INDD or PSD) and gathering copy. After going through the editing and printing process, we would have volunteers assist us in folding and stuffing in envelopes, which would then get sent out to our Members.
What inspired you to use InsideGuide to create your Summer 2022 newsletter?
When we saw the greater capabilities of InsideGuide for our regular show programs, and the potential to expand our going greener initiative, we realized that the same format could be used for our newsletters. This allowed us to stay more current, which was a huge draw, as we were now able to update content up until the last minute. Additionally, without having to stuff and mail, we were able to complete this project internally without having to ask for volunteers for what would usually be a full day project.
How did the newsletter change when you created it in InsideGuide?
Originally, our newsletter in paper form was a four page document, usually with each page grouped into subject headings or subheadings. With InsideGuide, and its “scrolling” layout, we were able to forgo the rigidness of our previous format, and make our newsletter as long or as short as we needed, not coming up with content “fillers” as can often be the case.
How did you leverage the digital nature of the newsletter?
We always want to take advantage of dynamic digital content where we can. We started out with a modest number of animated images, still images, and links, to test our patrons’ responses to such content.
How did patrons respond to the digital newsletter?
Truly, we can’t recall a single “angry” email. Our patrons fully supported our dedication to bringing them more dynamic content (which just isn’t possible on a paper newsletter), as well as our reinvigorated green initiative, being mindful of our organization’s footprint and the global paper shortage.
Do you plan to continue using InsideGuide for your quarterly newsletter? If so, are there any changes you’re likely to make for Fall 2022?
We definitely plan to continue using InsideGuide for future newsletters. Now that we’ve “gotten our feet wet” and feel more comfortable working with the platform, we plan to incorporate more videos, more GIFs, and more photos too, creating even more engaging newsletters down the line!
What advice do you have for others considering using InsideGuide for their newsletters?
InsideGuide has been a huge asset to our organization. Going green and protecting our planet is the way of the future. Couple that with the ability to make changes and edits up until the last minute, and we honestly can’t see a reason not to use InsideGuide for your newsletters!
In part two of this series, we’ll learn how Young People’s Theatre uses InsideGuide for their season brochure.
Want to learn what your digital program books could do?
Let’s talk! We would love to discuss what InsideGuide can do for you.
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Have a question? Contact David.